.22 Prone Target Shooting
Prone rifle is the most popular method of rifle shooting in the UK. Using a .22 target rifle, with precision aperture sights, the shooter fires onto a target 25 yards away.

.22 Light Sporting Rifle
‘Lightweight sporting rifle, or “LSR” replaced pistol shooting after 1997. Using a sporting rifle (usually a magazine-fed repeater), the shooter fires at the target from a standing position. Whilst it looks easy, it can be extremely challenging to hold the rifle steady and centred on the target. There are classes for rifles with ‘iron’ sights or with optical (telescopic) sights.

.22 Benchrest
Benchrest is a target shooting discipline where the rifle is supported by a front rest on a table, or bench and is shot from a seated position. Telescopic sights are often used and its a discipline that allows shooters to take part who are not able to shoot prone or standing.

Air Rifle
Feb 2025: The club is currently in the progress of developing the capability for 10 metre Air Rifle. Please watch this space…
Club Equipment
The club has a selection of rifles and equipment including jackets, scopes, mats and gloves that you are welcome to use (without extra charge for club members) in order to help you start shooting.